Sunday, December 11, 2011

My impressions of the Hi-Point JHP .45ACP

It's been a while but I'm back to blogging today. Today I shall share my thoughts about the Hi-Point JHP .45 ACP handgun. I bought this pistol back in June of 2011 and I've had a chance to put about 500 rounds of .45 through it so far. It's a plain simple handgun and there's not a whole lot of extra features on it. It comes with the most basic features and as few internal moving parts possible. I like that. It means there's a smaller chance of things breaking on it. It has a manual safety and a magazine release and a slide lock, which is the manual safety and that's all besides the trigger.

The JHP is a very decent and heavy pistol. It holds 9 rounds in the magazine and has a rear adjustable sight. The pistol comes with a trigger lock and additional rear ghost ring sight like the other Hi-Point I own. I took it out to the range the weekend I bought it and put 200 rounds through it and I've never fired a .45 that I loved this much. It didn't take very long to sight the pistol in. It's very accurate and the recoil is very light for a .45. It almost feels like shooting a 9mm with a light frame. The sight alignment is good and feels natural. The weight really helps hold the pistol steady. To me it is the best .45 ACP I've fired and I've fired the Colt 1911 match grade and government model, Llama's 1911, and the Glock 21. Out of those pistols I prefer the Hi-Point. It's just as accurate, it holds plenty of rounds, it easy to clean and it costs under $200. Not a bad buy if you're looking for a .45 for home defense, plinking, target shooting or competition.

The photo above is of the first target I shot with this pistol. The target was about 37 feet away, about half the distance of a 75 foot range, and as you can see you do get decent accuracy out of the JHP. The misses were my fault as I started to shoot faster. My only complaint with the pistol, which is a minor complaint at that, is that the grip is too smooth. I may add a grip sleeve to it like I did with the C-9. Other than that I've not had any problems with this pistol of any kind.

All in all, the HI-Point JHP .45 ACP get a five out of five star rating from me. Good gun for a good price.