Monday, August 4, 2014

My initial impressions of the Doctor Who Adventures in Time and Space Limited Edition Rulebook

Doctor Who Adventures in Time and Space Limited Edition Rulebook

I bought this RPG core book for less than the cover price on Amazon.  I saved about $15.  Now as for the book itself, it’s one of the better written and laid out RPGs I’ve ever read.  The layout is easy to read and the contents are well organized.  The table of contents is as standard in these books and the index is more useful than other RPGs I’ve played and run. 

The actual game itself is easy to learn and character creation is very easy and should be no problem for newbies to understand.  Making a character takes maybe ten minutes and if you already have a clear idea of who or what kind of character you want to play it should take less than that.  It did for me. 

This system being so simplified compared to other games may turn off veteran gamers with its simplicity.  I found it refreshing and having a new life. This is a sort of regeneration of RPG gaming. 

There are characters presented in the book for play and yes you can play as the Doctor and you have three choices of Doctor characters, Ten, Eleven and the War Doctor.  My first disappointment with the game is that the Ninth Doctor isn’t a pregenerated character.  There are a number of companions included so you can recreate favorite episodes with your outcome.  However not every companion of the included Doctors are presented.  Rose, Amy, Rory, Clara, K-9, Sarah Jane and few NPC original characters round out the rest of the cast for this book. 

My other complaint about the book is the anti-gun view of the author.  I understand that the Brits have a disdain for firearms but the author seems to feel that guns have a mind of their own and are inherently dangerous by themselves.  I may or may not buy other books from this series based on their political views.  

In general this is a good RPG and easy to run and set up.  I haven’t yet actually run a game but can easily conceive of a storyline to go with it.  I do recommend it for Whovian gamers and other sci-fi gamers.  I’d give it four out of five stars.  It loses one star for it’s political views.