Well about a year ago I saved up money for an assault rifle. I wanted something for an extreme case/worst case scenario for defense. I originally narrowed my selection to three types, the M-1 Carbine, the Ruger Mini-14 and the AK. I did a little research and rejected the M-1 Carbine due to the cost of the rifle and the cost of the ammunition and availability of ammunition. It wasn't the cheapest to shoot and I can't get the ammo at Walmart. I rejected the Ruger Mini-14 only because the price was too much for the rifle. I have a low income and need to find the best prices that I can with the best quality. I finally settled on the AK.
Now my version is the Romanian made WASR-10/63. I read the reviews for it and thought that this is the best rifle I can afford and the ammo is plentiful and cheap. I checked this rifle out before buying, checking for the things I read about that were quality control problems with the WASR-10. The WASR-10/63 is vastly improved over it's previous version. I couldn't wait to take it out and try it.
It shot well and reliably. I put three hundred rounds through it that first time and it worked every time and it had a pretty decent grouping at fifty feet. The only complaints I have with this rifle is that the pistol grip is uncomfortable. The original grip is a plastic stick that cramped my hand after a while. I replaced this with a Hogue pistol grip and it makes a world of difference. The comfort level is high and it fills my hand better. I also added a few other items to the rifle and turned it into a tactical rifle.
The WASR-10/63 holds a good grouping, it is easy to clean and maintain. The rifle came with an extra magazine and a bayonet. The bayonet isn't all that useful for me and needed a very thorough washing. The items you need to get to make this rifle complete is the front sight adjustment tool, which I picked up in Amazon and a small mallet for making fine delicate adjustments to the front sight. One more thing that you need is a sling with metal attachments. My original sling melted from the heat of the barrel as I layed it down on the ground. My sling rested on the barrel and the sling attachment next to the barrel heated up as much as the barrel so that when I picked my rifle up again the sling came apart.
This rifle is the best rifle I've shot and I can see this rifle being used by me for the rest of my life. I have no need or want for another assault rifle. The picture above was taken a few months after I bought and I added the red dot scope to it with a new receiver cover that had rail mounts on it. The picture below is my current version of it with a Tapco Galil type handguard and a collapsible stock and a new muzzle brake. It shoots well before and now the recoil is lessened not that recoil was bad before but now the muzzle lost a lot of that upward motion with this new muzzle brake.
In short, the GP WASR-10/63 is a good buy and a good quality rifle. It's also a lot of fun to shoot and it's completely customizable to fit your needs. I'd give this rifle 5 out of 5 stars.

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